Sunday, September 16, 2007

A New Author to Love

Sara Lewis! I love her writing. Of course I have only read one book-- The Answer is Yes but I can tell already she will be one of those authors that I will want to read all of her works. My book club met today and we had the fantastic pleasure of having a phone call from Sara during our meeting. She was delightful on the phone.

She answered our many and varied questions about the book. No it is not autobiographical, and she is not adopted. Her characters are realistic and charming, and the powerful positive message within the book has touched me. It reminds me of a pasta place I used to visit with my husband in Virgina. "Pete's Positive Pasta and Pizzeria" It was a cheery place with huge servings and friendly staff. I mean we all have a choice to greet each day and be the better for it or not. We can choose to miserable or not.

Anyway the book is great. It follows the main character Jenny who is at a crossroads in her life, and by circumstance, or perhaps by being quiet enough to allow the natural rhythm of life to occur she finds her inner self. Along the way she meets delightful characters all rich in their own way. The book reads beautifully. It is as if she Jenny is a friend just chatting with you on the phone. I am going to go check out her other books as soon as possible. Also her website is great and the blog too. Check them out.

And... she has 3 other novels waiting to be published, so come on you people in the industry... We need Sara Lewis' books!


Sara Lewis Murre said...

Thank you so very much for your support! Your group was really wonderful, and I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Only wish I could have been there in person. Maybe someday! Thanks again, and happy reading.

pjblichty said...

JM, this blog is lovely. I'm scouting around the 23 things in preparation for a Conference that promises to be both useful and intimidating. I empathize with the busy-ness element but keep up with this. It's great.